The Buy To Let Property Podcast from Lifestyle Property People

Episode 003: Why we don't flip properties for a quick profit

Episode Summary

"Is it not just easier and quicker to just flip a property and make some quick money?"❓ Today we discuss this ever-popular property investment strategy and why it's not for us. In today's episode we delve deeper into why we don't flip properties and why we believe property investing is a long-term game!

Episode Notes

“Is it not easier and quicker to just flip a property and earn some quick money? A common question we hear in the property investment world.

And whilst there are some short-term property strategies that can be profitable, you have to be in it for the long term to truly reap the benefits.

In today's episode we delve deeper into why we don't flip properties and why we believe property investing is a long-term game!

To find out how investing in buy to let property for the long term could help you achieve long term generational wealth, security & freedom, check out our website: 

And don't forget to check out our social media platforms too. Every day we share information on the topic of buy to let property investing, how you can get involved, investor success stories and so much more. The links are below! 



